There are two types of compensation available for mesothelioma:
Civil compensation: People who develop mesothelioma due to exposure to asbestos can file a lawsuit against asbestos manufacturers or employers who exposed them to asbestos. Civil compensation can include compensation for physical and emotional damages, as well as medical expenses.
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Types of Compensation Available for Mesothelioma |
Government compensation: Some states and federal jurisdictions offer compensation to people who have developed mesothelioma. This compensation can be in the form of insurance benefits or social assistance.
Civil compensation
To be able to file a lawsuit for mesothelioma, you must prove that you were exposed to asbestos and that you developed the disease as a result of the exposure. It can be difficult to prove exposure to asbestos, but there are many ways to do so, including:
Medical records: Your medical records may contain information about your exposure to asbestos, such as a history of working in an asbestos-exposed occupation or previous medical treatment for lung or heart problems.
Oral testimony: People who worked with you or knew you in the past can provide oral testimony about your exposure to asbestos.
Historical documents: Historical documents, such as company records or employment records, can be used to prove your exposure to asbestos.
If you are able to prove exposure to asbestos and the disease, you may be eligible for compensation for physical and emotional damages, as well as medical expenses. Physical damages can include compensation for pain and suffering, loss of income, and other damages. Emotional damages can include compensation for anxiety, depression, and loss of happiness. Medical expenses can include compensation for current and future medical expenses.
Government compensation
Some states and federal jurisdictions offer compensation to people who have developed mesothelioma. This compensation can be in the form of insurance benefits or social assistance.
Insurance benefits
People who have private health insurance may be eligible for insurance benefits to cover their medical expenses. Some insurance companies may also offer compensation for physical and emotional damages.
Social assistance
People who cannot afford the cost of medical expenses or other costs associated with mesothelioma may be eligible for social assistance from the government. Social assistance can include unemployment benefits, food stamps, and medical care.
How to apply for compensation
If you believe you are eligible for compensation for mesothelioma, it is important to speak to an attorney who specializes in tort law. An attorney can help you determine if you are eligible for compensation and what types of compensation you may be eligible for.
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